Dog Kennels in Urmston

Dog Kennels in UrmstonDog kennels in Urmston are a good place leave your dog when you go on holiday. Sometimes it’s impossible to bring your dog along on vacation. Most often people opt to leave their pets at home under the care of their neighbour or relatives. Unfortunately, a lot can go wrong while you are away. Some dogs may become hostile to their caregivers or adopt destructive behaviours due to abandonment. Moreover, if the caregiver you have assigned the duty to take care of your dog isn’t meticulous, your dog may miss meals, baths and walks. Dog kennels are a safer and more reliable alternative for housing your dog while you are away. Roe Clarey Cattery specialises in boarding dogs, and we can be regarded as a home away from home.

When you need to leave home for a few days, Roe Clare offers a top quality service. In Urmston, dog kennels are run by a qualified and committed team. Taking care of a dog requires a lot of skills. You must feed it well, make sure it exercises and remains safe and secure. We offer a healthy balanced diet for all the dogs in our boarding kennels. Moreover, the dogs get at least three good walks a day around our beautiful countryside premises. The dogs enjoy playing in our beautiful orchard under the supervision of our dedicated staff. Our quality care guarantees your dog a wonderful stay.

Our dog kennels in Urmston are a second home for dogs. We have well-equipped facilities with fully heated dog kennels that provide safety and comfort. As you prepare for your vacation, you can contact us to take care of your dog. Our facilities are under 24 hour surveillance and all the dogs are under the care of our dedicated staff. We take pride in offering world class services at competitive rates. No matter how long your stay is, we can take care of your dog so that you don’t have to worry. Not only are we committed to meet our clients’ needs but also surpass their highest expectations. Before you travel, leave your dog in the care of Roe Clare.