Small Pets Boarding in Altrincham

Small Pets Boarding in AltrinchamSmall pets boarding in Altrincham at Roe Clare Cattery may be the reason some children were allowed to have a guinea pig or a rabbit as a pet. They are fairly easy to care for at home so parents do not object to such small pets as much as they might a large Labrador or even cats. However, when it is time to go on vacation or spend a few summer weeks at Grandmothers, small pets become a big problem. Neighbours are more likely to stop by and feed your cat and water your plants than they are to clean the rabbit cage. Some people have an aversion to small pets they are not accustomed to being around. Boarding kennels are usually for dogs and sometimes cats.

In Altrincham, small pets boarding is welcome at Roe Clare Cattery. If you need to board your cat or dog, you can bring them as well. However, for Junior’s menagerie of small pets Roe Clare Cattery is the solution. They will be well cared for and protected by the wonderful staff twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. There is even a veterinarian nurse on staff to administer medications if necessary. Mum, if Junior is going away to camp for a fortnight, bring the hamsters and rabbits to Roe Clare and you won’t have to bother with them while he’s gone. Roe Clare Cattery is a family run business located on their 200-acre farm. Therefore, many of the staff live on site.

Small pet boarding in Altrincham is a service not offered by many. Children get attached to their pets regardless of their size. They need to know adults value their small pets as much as they do dogs, cats and horses. Roe Clare Cattery staff are all animal lovers. They will be able to put Junior’s mind at ease about the care of his small pets while he is away. They will be very attentive to the special instructions he may have concerning the little animals and they will carefully answer all his questions. For more information about small pets boarding, contact Roe Clare Cattery.