Rabbit Boarding in Knutsford

Rabbit Boarding in KnutsfordSmall pet care, including rabbit boarding in Knutsford is one of the services we offer. Many people enquire after pet boarding other than cats and dogs. Our expertise in looking after animals runs across the board and we take care of many different small pets including guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits. Not everyone has the space to have a cat or a dog and still feel the need to have a pet. Small animals are usually allowed in most apartments that may not allow larger pets.

All your pets are part of your family and when you go away you cannot leave them alone at home. In Knutsford, rabbit boarding as well as guinea pig and hamster care is one of the services we offer. Small pets especially cannot be left on their own as they can spill their water and upset their food. If you are away for a while this will leave your pet hungry and thirsty and they could even die. What could be worse than coming back from holiday to find one of your pets dead in their cage? The whole holiday will be spoilt and the family will be deeply unhappy. Let us look after your little furry pet so you can enjoy your break.

There are not many places where you have rabbit boarding in Knutsford. We are one of the few kennels that take in little animals for people going on holiday. Contact Roe Clare Cattery and book your small pet in for boarding with us while you go on your summer holidays. They will be well looked after and spoilt with attention and wonderful fresh food. We have a kennel for dogs of all shapes and sizes with daily walks and fun play time. Our cattery gives the cats what they love best which is a warm and comfortable place to sleep and lots of food. All the animals in our care are treated with love and affection and we spend a lot of time with them, not only keeping the chalets clean but also giving cuddles.